Discover the captivating musical world of Sandile Masilela, a talented musician hailing from Pretoria, South Africa. With his unique blend of African jazz and fusion sounds, Masilela is making a splash in the music industry. In this interview, we delve …
Tag: African
Ecouché is the first single from Amai Kuda et Les Bois’ ahead of the upcoming full-length album, EmUrgency!; to be released as a limited edition vinyl recording in May
Described by NOW magazine as a “tantalizing Afro-soul combo of folk, roots, desert blues and African continental music,” AfroSoul Volume III: Re’ is the new EP from Amai Kuda et Les Bois. It is the follow-up to their full …
Straight off ‘America’s Got talent’ and the ‘Steve Harvey show’, meet the world’s greatest instrumentalist ‘Neil Nayyar’
For most people playing a musical instrument can be a challenge. Especially in this era where you do not need to know how to play a musical instrument to produce a song- people mainly rely on computer-generated beats and rhythms …