Luke Beling, a folk artist, is on the brink of unveiling his inaugural album titled “A Stone in the Mouth of the Ocean.” The album is scheduled for release in October 2023, preceding its launch are four singles. The primary single, which shares its title with the album, serves as a thematic prelude to the assortment of songs. It delves into the journey of reconciling our human fragility while seeking meaning within the expansive universe we call our home.
Hailing from South Africa, singer-songwriter Luke Beling was shaped by the musical tapestry of the 60s and 70s. His artistic expressions are a reflection of the records his father played and the profound struggles of his native land.
Krister Axel from CHILLFILTR describes Beling’s musical creations as a harmonious fusion of acoustic folk with a pop-friendly touch, interwoven with spirituality and deep insight.
Beling’s conviction lies in infusing his music with both the marvel and the toil of existence. Through his folk melodies inspired by his global travels, he aspires to share authentic narratives with his listeners.
Coinciding with the album launch, Luke Beling has recently entered an exclusive synchronization agreement with Think Music Group. This partnership will facilitate the representation and licensing of “A Stone in the Mouth of the Ocean.”
Furthermore, the release of the album will be accompanied by four lyric videos that will complement the singles.